Kris Jenner

Kris Jenner on the eve of Kim Kardashian's wedding

Kris Jenner wearing "the greatest sunglasses from Dan Deutsch" Mother of the bride Kris Jenner looks fabulous on the eve of Kim Kardashian’s wedding.  She’s wearing what she called “the greatest sunglasses from Dan Deutsch Optical” We think she looks “glamorous” too!  Thanks, Kris, for mentioning us! We wish you and Kim a heartfelt congratulations…

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Glasses for Kids

Did you know that our UCLA location specializes in fitting glasses for kids?  Meet our little friend Sofia wearing 2.5 by Eyephorics, one many brands we love for kids.  2.5’s are great because of they’re so extremely lightweight, durable, flexible, have no screws, and the lens shapes and sizes are infinitely customizable.  The clear color…

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